Because You Don't Care At All
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner may have gotten married yesterday.
She deserves whatever heartache he brings her for breaking Noel's heart.
This will all be on the exam.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner may have gotten married yesterday.
So, Sabrina the Teenage Witch (aka Melissa Joan Hart) is pregnant. When did she even get married?
This is without a doubt the most useful thing I will see this week.
I'm mainly posting today out of a need for discipline and continuity. Staying out of Shelob's web, obeying the Pall, and investigating grad schools are keeping me busy (anthropology!) and slowing down my posts. I'm debating getting a wireless card so I can do more of this from home, but the money always seems to be spent before it is even in the bank. Besides the usual bills, coming up I've got a trip home, fees for the GREs---and possibly a GRE prep class, application fees, and Rowen's random vet needs. And I'd like to take a bookbinding class this summer or fall. The siren song of the credit cards is calling me even as the waters rise around me.
Let’s see if I can distract myself from thinking about my missing house keys for a few minutes by planning my weekend.
Don't ya just love living in the greatest democracy in the world? Land of the free and home of the brave. Where you have the right to free expression without the fear of government oppression. Oh, yeah, never mind.
I've been known to pay exhorbitant overweight luggage fees so that I wouldn't have to abandon a single paperback and I'm still mourning the loss of 25 kilos of books that were lost by the Italian mail system. So I feel that Jessa Crispin is a kindred spirit.
We don't need no stinkin' First Amendment. Freedom of expression is so pre-9/11.
Really, the title of the post says it all. The blog is beginning to atrophy under my own apathy and the Pall. Not even Tom and Katie can pique my interest of late. A hoyay Yankees pic barely raised my lips to a smile. Unfortunately, the rest of my life is under the same dark cloud, especially my writing. Or lack thereof. I haven't written anything other than in my journal for nearly two weeks. I've found all sorts of other diversions---cross-stitching, knitting, making journals, eating, watching Buffy DVDs---and rationalizations ("I'm priming the creative pump." "Thinking about the story is really the same as writing it.").
If anyone is still reading---and still cares---let's have some speculation on what happened to Katie during her missing days.
I really can't think of anything worth sharing. So here:
Only ten more days until my next three-day weekend! Until then, I’ll have to make due with my paltry two days. Among this weekend’s activities will be lotsa reading (thanks to Tina, Eric, Sandy, and Conde Nast), some writing because I’ve been very, very lazy all week (I blame the lack of a/c at work), some journal assembly if Kinko’s gets my blocks done, perhaps cross-stitching, and definitely spending way too much time contemplating my choices in life.
Does work have meaning? Should it? If so, how do we find it? And how many Utz chips are in a 3-lb pound?
So it happened. And this time, I'm citing a legitimate news source.
Yet another reason to hate Paris: Tom and Katie are rumored to be announcing their engagement in Paris tomorrow.
Michael Schaub continues to make me love him.
BLANTYRE, Malawi - Police and wildlife rangers tracked down and killed a rabid hyena that mauled to death nine people and injured 15 in rural Malawi, officials said Wednesday. Full story.
Things have been a bit bleak in my world, so I thought we could all use a good laugh. At my expense. ‘Cause that’s the best kind.
The hammer has been brought down. A pall has been cast. The land is in mourning.
Any of my Austin-based readers should feel free to join me for any of the activities listed. I’m just saying.
And ye shall receive.
I love this.
Jennifer Weiner is my hero. Especially after I attended a writing critique group on Wednesday, at which one participant said the premise of my story made him want to slit his wrists and then questioned my reading habits. Because I'm writing a fun story about a woman who is neurotic about being single when her 10-year high school reunion comes around. Which apparently doesn't meet his criteria for worthwhile and creative writing. Although a poorly written warmed-over vampire story does. And yes, I'm being cranky and bitter. But at least I'm entertaining.
By posting about something other than Tom and Katie, I've managed to attract a few undesirable readers. So let's see if I can scare them away with some more Tom and Katie news.
Seems our Ms. Holmes has not only sworn off combing her hair and using any adjective other than amazing, but also given up her faith. She's now singing the praises of scientology.
So, looking at some Signs of Cult Involvement:
Sudden change in dating relationships---Check
Spending a lot of time with a new religious organization---Check
Dramatic change of residence---Check
Glassy stare in his/her eyes, seems “spaced out,” or not quite there---Check
Drastic change in dress---Does no longer combing one's hair count? Then, Check
Hyperactivity centered on the group/leader agenda, which seems to supercede any personal goals or individual interests---Oh heck yeah
I would just like to state, for the record, that should I ever have a date, and should that date turn into a second date, and should that then eventually turn into a marriage proposal (a remote possibility, I know), I absolute do not want an engagement ring that costs one million dollars.
Let me repeat: I love Jennifer Weiner. More today than yesterday, and still more tomorrow.
Most of my readers (i.e., 4 out of 5; Ethan gets Brownie points!) have been major no-shows in the comments area. I've decided that this is obviously because my posts are so witty, insightful, and sophisticated that you feel that nothing you could post would be worthwhile.
I think I may love songwriter John Prine:
I’m really wishing that I had another three-day weekend, because I’m on this creative kick and I have more things that I want to do this weekend than I can possibly fit in. Or afford, for that matter, so . . .
From Ode:
So despite your complete indifference to my previous pleas for input, I'm once again turning my decision making over to you.
My shopping urge continues and has moved into the Funky Accessories That I Love But Would Only Wear Once phase.
I keep looking for something interesting or witty or cool to post. And I'm coming up empty. And even I'm starting to get bored with the nonstop Tom and Katie postings. So I decided to fill out one of those online dating forms for my own amusement.* Here are my answers.** Feel free to comment or post your own answers.