Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Scientology Worked for Me! Part II

By posting about something other than Tom and Katie, I've managed to attract a few undesirable readers. So let's see if I can scare them away with some more Tom and Katie news.

Seems our Ms. Holmes has not only sworn off combing her hair and using any adjective other than amazing, but also given up her faith. She's now singing the praises of scientology.

So, looking at some Signs of Cult Involvement:

Sudden change in dating relationships---Check

Spending a lot of time with a new religious organization---Check

Dramatic change of residence---Check

Glassy stare in his/her eyes, seems “spaced out,” or not quite there---Check

Drastic change in dress---Does no longer combing one's hair count? Then, Check

Hyperactivity centered on the group/leader agenda, which seems to supercede any personal goals or individual interests---Oh heck yeah

I could go on. But, well, I think we all know that it is only a matter of time before Katie reaches the critical stage.


At 6:18 AM , Blogger Eric said...

I consider that a serious misuse of the fabulous bunnies and a travesty. The bunnies should only be involved in all things good and pure, not the creation of the antichrist (see my previous post about Tom's obsessive touching of Katie's belly).

At 8:16 AM , Blogger Eric said...

Hope you are feeling better, take care of yourself, rest, relax, get lots of puppy love, drink lots of fluids, and, most importantly, DON'T THINK ABOUT the evil place at all! Be free!

At 10:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Tom & Katie news, please. I'm hooked on the perversity of it now.

At 9:57 AM , Blogger Lisa said...

L'il E --- Thanks for the well wishes!

Madaes --- I'll be posting updates regularly!

Ethan --- Undesirable readers are like porn: You know them when you see them. Or don't see them, as the case may be. In other words, if your comments start disappear---or cause Madaes to use her special language---take the hint.


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