Friday, June 10, 2005

Weekend Plans

Any of my Austin-based readers should feel free to join me for any of the activities listed. I’m just saying.

* Yoga.
* DVDs. Including Ravenous. Thanks, L’il E. I think . . .
* Magazines. And because I’m just short of having a bazillion magazines in my apartment, I’ll be stopping by a bookstore to get a few more.
* The second half of the pan of brownies that I scarfed yesterday.

* Dog park with Rowen. Hoping that Mel and Winnie Pooh will join us.
* Obedience training with Rowen. We haven’t done any of our homework. We’re so going to be the slackers in the class.
* Crafty-type stuff. I got a whole bunch of books to unbind and turn into journals. So I’ll probably work on that. Plus some knitting.
* Rewriting the op-ed that I want to submit to the diocesan newspaper.
* Curling into the fetal position as I realize that my dream of being a writer is dying a long, slow, painful death.
* Reading something entertaining.

* Swimming in the morning. I’m not even a month into my gym membership and I’m already starting to slack. And I’ve actually gained wait since joining. Of course, the aforementioned brownies might have something to do with that.
* Picking up more t-shirts at Old Navy.
* Browsing through the West 6th Street Artists’ Market while feeling poor and untalented.
* Paying bills.
* Returning to the fetal position.


At 1:06 PM , Blogger Eric said...

I'll definitely join in for the fetal position bit...You are making me really sad now with the not-so-subtle guilt trips. You're ALMOST as good as my mom. ALMOST.

At 1:15 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

For once, no guilt was intended. Just massive amounts of self-pity.


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