Thankful Thirteen
1. I'm thankful for my terrific blog buddies. You are all such a great source of support and laughter and insight.
2. I'm thankful for my adorable puppy.
3. I'm thankful that when my adorable puppy threw up last night, she did it on the wood floor and not on the carpet.
4. I'm thankful for my parents who have supported me even when they didn't understand.
5. I'm thankful that fate/God/the universe always has a better plan for me than I do.
6. I'm thankful that I'm part of a fantastic cohort in grad school and that I've become friends with so many of them.
7. I'm thankful that I got a great grad advisor. Not everyone did and it makes a huge difference.
8. I'm thankful that I have someplace to go to celebrate Thanksgiving. Not everyone does.
9. I'm thankful that I have a safe, (mostly) warm place to sleep with a roof over my head (even if it is a very noisy roof!).
10. I'm thankful that I have a healthy, strong body. It may not be the ideal body, but I've got all my bits and they all work fine.
11. I'm thankful that Joss Whedon is writing a new Buffy series (in comic book form, but I'll take what I can get).
12. I'm thankful that I've had thirty wonderful and blessed years. And I'm looking forward to the next thirty.
13. I'm thankful that I don't look thirty. No grey hairs yet!
Happy Thanksgiving!