Thursday, May 11, 2006

On the Pile

We’ll take a brief pause in our Craft Week coverage to review the reading situation. And find some happy pills. Because. . . .

Finished: The Dead Fish Museum by Charles D’Ambrosio and In Night’s City by Dorothy Nelson. Neither of which is a particularly cheery book. Dead Fish Museum is a catalog of dysfunction, ranging from difficult families to women who set themselves on fire. Although there was the porn star with a heart of gold. In Night’s City is even darker---incest, abuse of all flavors, death, religion, poverty---all the elements of your typical Irish novel---and written in a loopy, stream-of-conscious style that has me questioning my own sanity. I’d recommend the D’Ambrosio; the darkness is tempered by beauty and humanity and the writing is gorgeous. I’m not sure yet about the Nelson. It’s addictive in a way---fascination of the abomination, as Conrad would say---and it moves quickly, but it’s frustrating and difficult and unsatisfying. Also finished The Lost Colony by Grady Klein, a graphic novel. Hard to follow, too broad in its humor, too obvious and simplistic in its satire, and no compelling narrative thread.

Currently Reading: Deogratias, A Tale of Rwanda by J. P. Stassen. I might need something stronger than happy pills.

On Deck: The Omnivore’s Dilemma, which is sort of hovering between this pile and the Currently Reading pile because I’m starting it tomorrow. I’m not sure what comes after this on the pile. Possibly Theft or Digging to America. I also have Poppy Shakespeare, but that takes place in a mental ward and I think I may need a break from all the dysfunction. I need to read something happy and silly.

Added to the Pile:

The Whole World Over by Julia Glass
Gentleman of Leisure: A Year in the Life of a Pimp by Bob Adelman and Susan Hall
Voodoo Heart by Scott Snyder
Horsemen of the Esophagus by Jason Fagone
Vampire Loves by Joann Sfar
Crafty Chica’s Art de la Soul by Kathy Cano Murillo


At 8:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Whole World Over is on my "to read" list, too...and I'm interested to hear how The Omnivore's Dilemma turns out. I just can't believe how much you read. You're so cool.

At 8:11 AM , Blogger Bearette said...

i keep seeing poppy shakespeare around. let me know how it is. and i'm torn on reading the new julia glass. she's good but kind of slow.

At 10:38 AM , Blogger Jay Noel said...

Yeah, I've heard a lot about Poppy Shakespeare too. I might need to pick that up.

At 6:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lisa,

looking forward to hearing what you think of the book. thanks for checking it out! yrs, scott


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