UFOs: Two Down
Finishing the sweater took a little longer than planned, but . . .

(Apologies for the poor photo quality.)
The sweater is finished. And will now gather dust and mothballs in the back of my closet. It isn't a complete disaster, but it's also not something I'm likely to wear in public unless I lose a bet. The yarn was very chunky, so the sweater is very bulky and heavy. I think I made the front slightly shorter than the back (the result of a year's lapse between making the two---and not finding the index card on which I had helpfully recorded the cast-on and measurement info for the back until I had bound off the front). The arms are about two inches too long. And in trying to correct for an overly abundant V, I mucked up the front.
I also really need to learn how to do long-tail cast-on before I attempt my next sweater; cable cast on doesn't make the nicest edge and doesn't have much give.
Although the sweater took an extra week to finish, I managed to take care of another UFO at the same time: I decided to abandon a sleeveless sweater that I started more than six years ago and that has been languishing half done ever since. I frogged the whole thing, and the yarn is now sitting in a pile to be donated to Humanitarian Knitting, a local knitting group that makes projects for charity. Yes, I actually managed to clean out my stash and have about a dozen skeins that I'm willing to admit I will never use. Go me!
Next up: Finishing a sweater for my nephew that he has almost certainly outgrown already.