I am awesome!
But, then, not so much.
So I was feeling pretty darn great about myself this past week. First, I finally got a research grant. Mind you, it's the least prestigious grant of the grants for which I applied. But I got a grant! So I get to go back to Malawi and finish my research and write my dissertation and be done with grad school. Yay!
And on Monday, I set a sub-10-minute pace on my run. So it was a 9:59-minute mile. That's sub-10. And its a big improvement from the 12:30 pace I was doing just 8 weeks ago. So again, Yay!
But then I went to the doctor yesterday and was bummed to find out that I haven't lost nearly as much weight as I thought I had (only 9 lbs). Then I had lab work done this morning as part of my medical clearance for the aforementioned grant. And I found out that I have high cholesterol!
Admittedly, although I've been very faithful with exercising this year, I have not been as great about food. I've all but given up soda (I think I've had maybe 3 sodas since Christmas), and I've been limiting myself to one snack a day and trying to eat healthy snacks (almonds, Luna bars, fruit). But I don't count calories at meals, and my lunches frequently include a side of french fries. And my good intentions have a way of falling apart on the weekends.
Still, I was rather shocked to find out that I have high cholesterol. I eat loads of veggies, whole grains, fruit. I don't eat any meat, and I've cut way back on cheese. I've always been fat, but I've generally been healthy---low cholesterol, good blood pressure, normal blood sugar. And because I have a family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, I do watch those numbers carefully.
So, not feeling quite so awesome anymore.
I'm always suspicious of cholesterol readings, anyway. I think I had high cholesterol once simply because I had eaten some oatmeal beforehand? No one had told me to fast (though I was supposed to, apparently).
You are not fat, my goodness. Congrats on the grant and the pace! so, how do you feel about getting the grant and finishing your Ph.D.?
Artemisa---You haven't seen me in a few years! Living with a psychotic nun in Italy, a two-year depression in Austin, almost four years of grad school---I've dealt with all of them with copious amounts of comfort food. And have put on quite a bit of weight as a result.
As for how I feel about the grant: conflicted. I'm thrilled that someone finally thought my project is worth funding. And I think I have a really interesting topic. But . . . part of me was hoping that I'd get rejected so I could just move on with my life. Now I have to go back to Malawi for a year and spend another year or two writing a dissertation. Which may or may not have any actual value to me.
You are awesome. No matter what else stick with that! And I mean it. Persnicketiness included :D
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