Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Cranky Wednesday

Not even my adorable little storytime kids could make this morning okay. Here are the things that are annoying me:

* Micromanaging.
* People who don't understand that when I send something to them for comment, the only comments I want are "great," "nothing to add," and "perfect."
* Starbucks Guy, who was less friendly than usual, even though, as previously mentioned, I looked so cute this morning.
* That my dog doesn't look even a little sad when I leave her at daycare.
* That there isn't a size between a grande and a venti. Because a grande is never enough but a venti is just a little too much.
* Mexican smoke. And, no, I don't mean the good kind. Not that I have any knowledge of that.
* Weather forecasters. I want a job where I can be wrong more than half the time and not be fired. Oh wait, I have that. Nevermind.
* Optimistic horoscopes. Really, I would rather it just say, "Your life sucks. Go back to bed." Instead it gives me all this false hope about being "stylish, graceful, and effective" and finding a way to turn that into money. Whatever.
* Bloggers. Yeah, I'm all about the self-hate today. And the petty jealousy.

My name is Tendafoot, and I could power a small city with my whining.


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