Friday, March 31, 2006

Are We Surprised?

From Bdogg.

Tri-Lamb Material
73 % Nerd, 17% Geek, 56% Dork
For The Record:
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd and Dork, earning you the coveted title of: Tri-Lamb Material.

The classic, "80's" nerd, you are what most people think of when they think "nerd," largely due to 80's movies like Revenge of the Nerds and TV shows like Head of the Class. You're exceptionally bright and smart, and partly because of that have never quite fit in with your peers or social groups. Perhaps you've realized, or will someday, that it is possible to retain all of the things that you like about being brilliant and still make peace with the social cliques around you. Or maybe you won't--it's really not necessary. As the brothers of Lambda Lambda Lambda discovered, you're fine just the way you are and can take pride in that. I mean, who wants to be like Ogre, right!?



At 9:50 AM , Blogger Eric said...

You scored higher than 59% on nerdiness
You scored higher than 57% on geekosity
You scored higher than 85% on dork points

Apparently this test is pretty accurate, I too am not at all surprised by my results.

At 10:41 AM , Blogger Bearette said...

All right, I finally gave in and took this thing.

Pure Nerd
78 % Nerd, 39% Geek, 21% Dork
For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd.

The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer. Being smart isn't as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful.


At 11:15 AM , Blogger Eric said...

See that's funny, it called me a "Pure Nerd" too, with the same description about the changing times, that's why I dumped it when I posted the results here--I'm clearly much more of a dork than anything else. Like we couldn't all have guessed that.

At 11:21 AM , Blogger Lisa said...

I didn't think I was nearly as much of a dork as it said I was. I'll cop to the nerd part. I am indeed a nerd. But dork?


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