Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

I think most of my few-yet-faithful readers are posting comments already, but in case there are some lurkers about, give me a shout in the comments.
(Image shamelessly stolen from Frema)
This will all be on the exam.
Unfortunately, I can't take credit for the cool picture. I "borrowed" it from
My favorite entry is the one where you talk about being a happy single with no kids. I love it when people can put themselves out there for others. And I will always be grateful for The Brawny Man videos. :)
P.S. I just checked my e-mail and found your birthday card. That was so sweet! Thanks!
HI THERE! I'm here everyday, but I quite honestly can't even recall how I found you (from Frema?). Happy I did. And, BTW, this IS somethin' special.
You are a source of weekly entertainment. I'm here often, though obviously not daily and will see you in A-town in a couple of weeks. I'm friends w/ BDogg (our husbands were roomies) and I can't remember if I've ever commented.
I love the blondie in your profile pic.
Hi New Metzger!
I'm getting so excited to meet so many people. We have quite the group so far---and it is still growing!
And the blonde cutie is Rowen. She's much more photogenic than I am!
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