Monday, May 23, 2005

On the Nightstand

That time of the week again:

The Journey from the Center to the Page: Yoga Philosophies and Practices as Muse for Authentic Writing by Jeff Davis
At this point, I'll try anything. If yoga doesn't work, I'm joining a cult.

Azur Like It by Wendy Holden
And this time, I'm actually going to open it.

Bust (June/July 2005)
Why have I never read this magazine before? It's the perfect blend of Ms. and Mademoiselle---for those of us who want to look pretty when we vote.

Granta (89: Factories)
Because I haven't read anything truly depressing in a while and have been inching dangerously close to happiness and joy. I even, almost, for a minute had fun. Reading about the working poor and the evils of globalization should tide me over until I can find another book about genocide or starving children.

Arrived in the mail today: The Plot Against America by Philip Roth and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark

I think I need to start a lending library in my office.

And can someone tell me why so many novels are subtitled "A Novel"? Do they think that we can't tell?


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