Friday, March 04, 2005


It's Friday of the week that would not end, and I have a chocolate hangover after an M&M bender last night (at least I stuck to the medium bag). And I stayed up way too late watching "24" (Season 2, disk 2).

In any case, this was very funny to me this morning, and if I had the energy for it, I'd laugh out loud: Resistance is Futile

Speaking of "24" and zombies, what is it about that show that makes me watch even as I want to throttle the writers for the absurdity of the situation and the lack of attention to detail? A government building in Los Angeles is bombed and there's no panic in the city? Said bombing kills 29 people and severely damages the infrastructure, but the plumbing is intact? I want to hate it, but I can't tear myself away.

Then again, what made me think eating a half pound of M&Ms in one sitting was a good idea?


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